
1 lb brussel sprouts, trimmed and cut in half
1 teaspoon salt
2 tsp maple syrup
2 tsp balsamiq vinegar
1/2 tsp fresh orange zest
1 tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp olive oil
3 slices prosciutto, crumbled
2 handfuls walnuts, chopped
1 tbsp unsalted butter
A level up option for your standard roasted brussel sprouts.


1.Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2.Trim brussel sprouts to remove ends and cut in half.
3.Lightly toss with olive oil and salt in bowl.
4.Peel orange to collect zest.
5.In a bowl, comine vinegar, maple syrup, orange zest, olive oil and a generous amount of salt and pepper.
6.Line sheet pan with foil and add brussel sprouts.
7.Add pan to oven and roast for 25 min.
8.Meanwhile, heat a large saucepan on medium heat and add sauce.
9.Heat until sauce just begins sizzle, but doesn't boil. Set aside.
10.In a small separate saucepan, add olive oil and crumbled prosciutto pieces. Heat until crispy. Set aside.
11.Remove brussel sprouts from pan, and toss with sauce in saucepan over low heat. Garnish with prosciutto and walnuts.

A creative, tasty spin on roasted brussel sprouts.

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